Remove Hard Water Stains, DIY Carpet Cleaner, Repel Squirrels & Grow Potatoes

Hi there! We hope you're ready to conquer some everyday challenges with grace!

In today's issue:

  • Banishing Hard Water Stains from Glass

  • Cultivating Potatoes from Scraps

  • Protecting Bird Feeders from Squirrels

  • Creating Your Own Carpet Cleaner

And more…


We've all been there, squinting through those stubborn, hard water stains on our glass shower doors. Discover seven powerful ways to bring back the sparkle and enjoy a more transparent view!


Is Your Rice Feeling Clingy?

Pop a bay leaf into your rice storage container. It keeps bugs away and adds a subtle flavor. It’s like a little spa day for your rice every time you close the lid!


Did you know that one simple potato can sprout an entire garden of new ones? Discover 7+ fantastic ways to grow potatoes from potatoes, turning a tiny spud into a bountiful harvest.


Mirrors don't lie, but they do give you a chance to laugh at what you see.

(Betty - aspiring comedian)

We all know the frustration of watching playful squirrels turn our bird feeders into their personal snack bars. Discover over a dozen ingenious strategies to keep those furry little acrobats at bay and ensure our feathered friends get their fair share!


From Humble Beginnings to Global Phenomenon!

Did you know that the first email was sent between two machines that were literally side by side? Ray Tomlinson's test of the first network email system in 1971 showed that big ideas don't need big spaces to start. Now, billions of emails zip around the world every day!


Spilling red wine on the carpet doesn't have to be a disaster, especially when you have the right DIY solution at your fingertips! We've all been there, and now we can share five easy-to-make carpet cleaner recipes that will bring your carpets back to life.


We've tackled everything from banishing hard water stains on glass to growing your own potatoes and even keeping those crafty squirrels at bay! Plus, we've stirred up some DIY carpet cleaner recipes just for you.

Stay sparkling, grow gloriously, and may your bird feeders be ever squirrel-free!

With warmth and wisdom,

Tipsbulletin Newsletter Team


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