Make Pillows White, DIY Weed Killers & Fly Traps, Beautiful Perennials for Rocky Spots

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Hi there! We've got some fantastic tips to elevate your home and garden game!

In today's issue:  

  • Brighten Those Pillows

  • Perfect Perennials for Rock Gardens

  • DIY Weed Killers

  • Homemade Fly Traps

  • And more…


We all know how frustrating it can be to see our beloved pillows lose their brightness over time. Did you know we can bring them back to their original glory with a few simple tricks?

The Viral Cleaning Tablets Everyone’s Talking About!

Everyone cleans their clothes and dishes regularly but when was the last time you actually made sure that the appliance responsible for doing the cleaning was clean itself?

Sad Fact: Dirty appliances don't clean well. You wouldn't bathe in a dirty bathtub so why are you washing your things in dirty machines?

Join the over 1 million happy customers who use ACTIVE's viral cleaning tablets and stop worrying whether or not your appliances are actually cleaning like they're supposed to again!


Tomato Tango: To Bag or Not to Bag?

To speed up ripening, place unripe tomatoes in a paper bag with an apple.
The apple's ethylene gas works wonders!


Ever notice how a well-designed rock garden can transform a yard into a serene oasis? We once met a gardener who swore by perennials for their low maintenance and year-round beauty. Discover 14 stunning options for your own rock garden.


Fresh sheets are the adult version of a blankie.

(Martha - cozy enthusiast)

We all know how pesky weeds can be, right? Remember when we tried boiling water, and it worked wonders? Discover 22 DIY weed-killer recipes you can make at home and easily reclaim your garden.


Step Right Up, Folks!

Did you know the first escalator was more like an amusement ride? Jesse Reno's 1892 invention was installed at Coney Island, and people rode it just for the thrill!

Imagine that — an escalator as a carnival attraction!


Have you ever had a summer barbecue turned upside down by pesky flies? We’ve all been there, and now we’ve got 14+ fantastic homemade fly traps to save the day and keep those gatherings blissful.


We've covered you, from sparkling white pillows to stunning perennials, DIY weed killers, and crafty fly traps! Remember, a beautiful garden and a cozy home are just a few clever tricks away.

Happy gardening and happy homemaking!

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