Laundry Stain Removal, Growing Blueberries, Carpenter Bees & Canning Cheese

Hi there, beautiful souls! We know life gets messy and busy, but we're here to help lighten the load.

In today’s issue:

  • Discover Natural Laundry Stain Removal Solutions

  • Optimal Spots for Planting Blueberries

  • Effective Ways to Deal with Carpenter Bees

  • Guide to Canning Cheese at Home

  • And more…


We've all faced that moment of dismay when a favorite outfit falls victim to a stubborn stain. Discover nine simple stain removers that can rescue your cherished garments, just like a quick dab of vinegar saved my best silk blouse from a disastrous wine spill.

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Who Said You Can't Teach an Old Plant New Tricks?

Mix your bloom booster by combining water-soluble fertilizer with a teaspoon of Epsom salt per gallon of water. This magnesium-rich mix will encourage lush, vibrant blooms. Just stir well and feed your flowering beauties every two weeks!


Did you know that blueberries thrive best in spots with full sun and well-drained soil? We've discovered ideal locations to help you grow delicious, antioxidant-rich blueberries in your backyard.


Age only matters if you're a cheese.

(Lucinda - wise librarian)

We all want our homes to be safe and sound, but those pesky carpenter bees can drill a hole in that dream! Discover seven effective ways we've found to gently but firmly encourage these buzzing visitors to buzz off, just like we did last summer at our annual garden party.


Whisking Through Time: The Electric Mixer's Humble Beginnings!

Did you know that the electric mixer we adore today was invented in 1885? That's right. Rufus Eastman was the genius who first patented this kitchen miracle.

From Eastman's first model, which was more industrial, to the sleek and powerful devices we use today, the mixer has become an indispensable part of our kitchen ballet.

Imagine the arm workout we've been saved from since then!


Canning cheese might sound like a culinary adventure from the past, but it's a delightful trick we stumbled upon during a nostalgic kitchen experiment. Discover our nifty tips for canning cheese and bring a twist of tradition and taste to your pantry.


We've zapped stains, plotted blueberry patches, outsmarted carpenter bees, and even canned cheese! Who knew being practical could be so adventurous?

Keep those blueberries thriving and your spirits high!

Warmly, the Tipsbulletin Newsletter Team.

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