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  • Eliminate Sugar Ants, Clean Oil Stains from Clothes, and Growing Blueberries & Pickle Ginger! - Tipsbulletin Newsletter

Eliminate Sugar Ants, Clean Oil Stains from Clothes, and Growing Blueberries & Pickle Ginger! - Tipsbulletin Newsletter

Hi there, let's embrace the day with some handy tips and delightful insights.

In today’s issue:

  • Banishing Oil Stains from Your Favorite Clothes

  • Growing Lush Blueberries in Your Garden

  • Saying Goodbye to Pesky Sugar Ants

  • Mastering the Art of Pickling Ginger

  • And more…


We've all been there, enjoying a delicious meal, when a drop of oil suddenly finds its way onto our favorite blouse. Discover our tried-and-true methods for banishing those stubborn oil stains and bringing your clothes back to life!

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Who Said Shorties Can't Shine in the Garden?

Depending on the view, start with your tallest plants at the back or center and step down to medium shrubs, with your shortest, sassy flowers in front.

It’s like creating a living amphitheater - everyone gets a front-row seat!


Growing your blueberries can transform your garden and your wellness routine, just like it did ours when we discovered these little bursts of joy are superfoods, too! Dive into our Ultimate Guide to Growing Blueberries and learn how to nurture your berry bliss.


Oil stains are the tattoos of the culinary world; they're permanent and tell a lot about your adventures.

(Greg - philosophical chef)

We've all been there, spotting those pesky sugar ants parading around the kitchen counter just as we're about to host a big gathering. Discover how to reclaim your space and send those uninvited guests packing with effective, easy-to-follow strategies.


Churn Baby Churn! The Birth of the Ice Cream Maker

Did you know that the first hand-cranked ice cream maker was patented by Nancy Johnson in 1843?
That's right. This ingenious woman allowed us to whip up our favorite frozen treats right at home. Before her invention, making ice cream was a laborious task that involved a lot of ice and salt and was not nearly enough fun!


Have you ever tried freshening up your meals with a zesty twist? We've discovered the joy of adding pickled ginger to our dishes, and now, with these 7+ tips and recipes, you can, too - transform your kitchen into a flavor festival!


We've tackled everything from stubborn oil stains to flourishing blueberries and pesky sugar ants. Plus, we've spiced things up with pickled ginger tips!

Stay sweet and stain-free!

With warmth, the Tipsbulletin Newsletter Team.

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