Clean Headlights, Grow Tomatoes, Deter Squirrels and Freeze Garlic

Hi there, we hope you're feeling fabulous today!

In today’s issue:

  • Discover the Sparkle: Cleaning Headlights with Vinegar

  • Tomato Growing Tips for Lush Gardens

  • Strategies to Keep Squirrels at Bay

  • Preserving the Pungency: How to Freeze Garlic

  • And more…


We all know the struggle of foggy headlights on a night drive, but did you know that vinegar, a staple in our kitchens, can bring back the sparkle? Discover seven simple but effective ways to clean your headlights with vinegar and light up your journey!

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Can Your Luggage Spill Secrets... Like Bed Bugs?

Always use a luggage rack! Keeping your suitcase off the floor and bed in hotels can prevent unwanted guests from hitching a ride home with you. Elevate to eliminate those sneaky critters!


Growing tomatoes can be as nurturing for the soul as it is for the garden, especially when we discover those little tricks that make all the difference.
Remember when we tried adding eggshells to the soil, and those tomatoes just flourished?


A clean car is like a fresh haircut – it doesn’t last long if you go running through the sprinklers.

(Betty - enthusiastic jogger)

We all know how squirrels can turn a peaceful garden into a playground of chaos! Did you know that sprinkling coffee grounds around your plants could be the trick we've been missing?


Pet Lovers' Pick:
Lola & Herbie's Newsletter of the Week!

Join the Lola & Herbie community! Get top-notch pet care tips, heartwarming stories, and expert advice delivered to your inbox every Friday. Subscribe now and make your pet’s life even better.


Nylon Stockings: A Revolutionary Run in Fashion!

Imagine a world before 1938, where silk stockings ruled supreme. Then came Wallace Carothers, a brilliant mind at DuPont, who invented nylon, changing the game forever!

On their first day in stores on May 15th, 1940, over 780,000 pairs were sold - in one day! — talk about a shopping spree!


Ever have more garlic than you can use before it spoils? Discover seven savvy methods for freezing garlic, ensuring you always have this flavorful staple ready to elevate your favorite dishes.


We've zipped through everything from sparkling headlights with vinegar to growing luscious tomatoes and keeping those cheeky squirrels at bay! Remember, a little effort goes a long way—like freezing garlic for that extra zing in your dishes!

Stay bright and garden-ready!

With warmth, Tipsbulletin Newsletter Team

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