Baking Soda Uses, Growing Asparagus, Getting Rid of Dog Urine & Freezing Blueberries

Hello there! We hope this finds you well and ready to discover some delightful tips and tricks!

In today’s issue:

  • Unlocking the Many Uses of Baking Soda

  • Secrets to Growing Asparagus in Your Garden

  • Natural Solutions for Keeping Your Home Pet-Odor Free

  • Preserving the Freshness: Best Ways to Freeze Blueberries

And more…


We've all marveled at how a simple box of baking soda can freshen up a fridge, but who knew it had over 50 other amazing uses? From gardening to personal care, discover how this humble kitchen staple can become your new best friend in ways you never imagined.


Who Says You Can’t Party Like It’s 1999? Your Pool’s Filter Can!

Rinse your pool's filter weekly to keep it running smoothly! Remove the filter, hose it down gently, and say goodbye to debris. It's like giving your pool a mini spa day every week!


Growing asparagus may seem daunting, but with the right tips, it can bring food to your table and joy to your garden. This perennial favorite can thrive for up to 20 years in your backyard, so let's explore ten spectacular ways to nurture it.


Leftovers again? That's not dinner; that's déjà chew.

(Betty - seasoned home chef)

We all know the struggle of keeping our furry friends from marking their favorite spots in the house. Discover 11 homemade dog urine repellent tips and recipes to save carpets and keep your home smelling fresh!


Hold On to Your Hats!

Did you know that America's first roller coaster debuted in 1884? LaMarcus Adna Thompson, often called the "Father of the Gravity Ride," introduced this thrilling invention on Coney Island, NY, sparking a nationwide craze. Imagine the excitement of those first riders, experiencing the dips and dives at six miles an hour!


Did you know freezing blueberries at their peak can capture that just-picked flavor all year round? We've uncovered four incredible ways to freeze these delightful berries to ensure you enjoy their vibrant taste and health benefits whenever you crave them.


We've sprinkled this newsletter with a dash of baking soda magic, a spear of asparagus wisdom, a sprinkle of dog-friendly tips, and a freeze-frame on blueberries. Hope you find these tidbits as refreshing as a newly cleaned fridge!

Stay sparkling until next time!

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